Dpfmac machines are machines that are compatible with all vehicles and models and made of quality materials. These machines have multiple quality certificates. These ergonomically designed machines have an easy…
Etiket: <span>Dpf Cleaning Machines</span>
Using particle cleaning filter; You should remove the pressure or temperature sensor in the first place. You must push the additional hose through this space and spray it in the…
Dizel Partikül Filtresi Görevi Nedir ? Dizel son işleme sistemi, hidrokarbonlar (HC), karbon monoksit (CO) gibi egzoz emisyonlarını ve partikülleri azaltmak için, emisyon düzenlemesini karşılamak için tasarlanmışlardır. Ön-katalitik konvertör (Precat) ve…
Our company, DPF MAC Çınar Makine, (Particle Cleaning Machine) manufactures particle cleaning machines ,starts to work by bringing the liquid to 80 degrees first. In line with this logic and…